Tuesday 24 April 2012

Evaluation - Question Four

Here is the answer of question four) How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

I have used the following technologies throughout my media production phase. Including software, hardware and websites.
Video Camera
DSLR camera
Adobe Photoshop
Sony Vegas
Microsoft office
Mobile phone


Where the technology was used?
During my research part of my project I used google and Microsoft Office throughout as this is where I could brain storm ideas as well as write down all the information I had gained. This is where I used a lot of the websites such as http://www.adele.tv/home/ and http://jessiejofficial.com/  to find the biographies and know more about similar artists.
After the research part of my project I moved on to the prototypes of my digi-paks this is where some of the software I used came into place. Photoshop helped me to take images from the internet and transform them into CD front covers and adverts, promoting my artist. Shortly after this I went onto my filming of my video, for this I used my Video Camera and tripod for the actual filming of each scene. My mobile phone was also used as I played to song as my artist could sing along to help with the lip syncing. During filming I took my DSLR camera with me, this would allow me to take the images to use on the digi-pak and the advert. 
My next step was to do the editing, cutting and cropping to make all the footage add together and to  create a aesthetically pleasing products. This involves the laptop mouse and keyboard to work Sony Vegas videoing software programme, along with photoshop for the images.

Evaluation - Question Three

Here is the link to the video explaining my answer to question three) What have you learnt from audience feedback?


Evaluation - Question Two

This video answers the question two) how effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

Evaluation - Question One

Here is the answer to the evaluation question one) In what ways does your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?