Sunday 29 January 2012

Biography Analysis - Jessie J

Jessie J's biography is found on her official fan page, like other artists its written by someone else packed with quotes from Jessie herself. As a new artist she doesn't have a lot of experience to talk about the music industry, but this doesnt mean she spends the whole biography focused on the past. This is the only place how ever you can find out about Jessie J with her facebook, twitter and myspce pages.
The style of the writing is very much the same as when she performs with slang and very down to earth, for example 'perfect fringe slashed above the eyes' this is describing her hair a big part of jessie j's image. The whole biography homes in on what is current and her image now. The writer just touching on the bad points in Jessie J's career in the past, but overall with a very positive tone throughout. Unlike some biographies where they contain great detail in a back story of how the artist became where they are now focussing on negatives for the sympathy vote, this is just striaght to the point.
The layout consists of lots of small paragraphs this is supporting the idea that its a factual bit of writing, from a young person who is a short and snappy artist wanting to get her story across. This also reflects the audience she is targeting as they are young 15-25 year old women most likely to be fashionable student types. These aren't the type of audience that wants to read a long page of writing they want short paragraphs making it look easy to read.
The layout the mode of address and where the bio was found all reflects the audience as its for directly Jessie J's fans, its not to recruit knew fans and widen her fan base its just a little something for her fans to learn more about there idol.
The facebook, twitter and myspace page are all there and easily accessible. On these websites fans can follow and be updated frequently with jessie j's latest news. Here you can find little paragraphs about jessie j which is informal bitesize bits of information that will keep the fans interested.

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